Measurement results in seconds, not hours. Test hundreds of cells and batteries while traditional methods would still be processing the first.
Measurement results in seconds, not hours. Test hundreds of cells and batteries while traditional methods would still be processing the first.
Laboratory grade accuracy, delivers over 2,000 data points in under 2 seconds, which is 900 times faster than other methods.
All essential data, comprehensive insights, and analytics are in the cloud, enabling informed decision-making in real-time.
For all cell and battery chemistries and types, from battery modules and packs to supercapacitors and fuel cells.
Our versatile solution brings value for various different customers.
Entities with thousands of batteries have to rely on the condition. CeLLife's allows customers to quickly grade their batteries which allows them to optimize the usage of batteries, safe money and quarantee the safety of operations.
Currently, comprehensive battery cell testing can take from several minutes to several hours and requires manual labor.
For an example, In a factory, testing the quality of a single cell takes over 10 minutes. This means that with 10 testers they would maximally be able to test 1440 cells in a day out of a total production of 100,000 cells. Each battery contains tens of cells, and the quality of each cell varies. As the quality of cells varies, the actual quality of the battery is determined by the weakest cell.
With CeLLife's technology, factories can test the whole daily production, allowing them to sort cells by quality and assemble battery modules with uniform quality cells, resulting in consistent quality batteries.
CeLLife is revolutionizing the second-life battery market by enabling quick categorizing and testing of used batteries. Therefore CeLLife enables maximal usage of batteries before recycling and raw materials extraction.
Its technology allows battery resellers to test quickly the quality & condition of used batteries and use the insights in effective pricing. Our solution automatically grades cells based on their condition.
The internal resistance of supercapacitors (ESR), is a key factor that affects their lifespan. Higher resistance causes the supercapacitors to heat up more, which speeds up aging and reduces the lifetime.
A study compared supercapacitors from three different manufacturers and found that the ESR could vary by up to 18% within the same brand. This large difference means it's hard to predict the lifetime of these supercapacitors as the quality is not homogenous.
ESR is one known parameter, and for comparison second-life cells that CeLLife has processed show less than 1% variation in ESR, indicating superior quality control. This minimal difference ensures more homogeneous and predictable performance.
With CeLLife's technology, supercapacitor manufacturers and buyers can more precisely measure and ensure the consistency of electrical characteristics, with ESR being just one of the 2,000 data points provided by CeLLife. This leads to more uniform modules and more reliable lifetime predictions, enhancing overall quality and performance.
From our versatile EFP measurement solution you get data driven insights and reports from any sort of batteries or cells.